One of the most common problems with South African homes is dampness. Excessive moisture makes the homes susceptible to fast deterioration and damage, especially if older buildings are built without moisture-resistant materials. Do you have dampness occurring in your home in South Africa? If so, here are the top five potential causes of why you might be experiencing this.

Some parts of South Africa experience significantly high levels of rainfall during the winter and other times throughout the year. If a home’s roof or exterior has cracks, holes, or other forms of deterioration, the rainwater could easily penetrate the house and cause dampness on the walls, ceiling, and flooring.

High humidity levels are another challenge South African homeowners face, particularly those living in coastal regions next to the ocean. Unless you have top-notch insulation installed, the high humidity levels will cause excessive dampness inside your home. You will see it on your doors and all the rooms in your home, including your kitchens and bathrooms.

South Africa often experiences a specific type of dampness called rising dampness. It is when groundwater rises underneath the building and travels through its walls. Any South African home without damp-proof courses will experience extensive rising dampness. Damp-proof courses can stop rising damp because they serve as barriers that can protect your home’s porous walls from being susceptible to moisture and dampness.

It doesn’t matter where you live in South Africa because there is always the risk of leaking water pipes developing in your home. All it takes is for your plumbing to get old or damaged for water leaks to occur. Once the water seeps through your walls and floors, you will see signs of dampness quickly. The only way to prevent this is to perform regular repairs and maintenance on your plumbing to ensure it remains in good condition.

Does your home have poor air ventilation? One of the best ways to reduce or prevent indoor humidity is to keep the inside thoroughly ventilated. It could mean opening windows or activating your HVAC system to cycle air in and out of your home. The important thing is not to let the same air get trapped in your home because that will increase humidity, which will cause dampness to form. If you cannot ventilate your home for some reason, use a dehumidifier to eliminate humidity for the time being.