Most homeowners are familiar with dampness. It usually occurs whenever moisture accumulates inside a home due to high humidity levels or water leakage. However, there is another form of dampness called rising damp that poses a severe threat to the structural integrity of residential constructions. If not prevented or treated promptly, it could permanently damage a home’s internal structure. Once that happens, the repair costs will be pretty expensive. 

• 47+ Years of Experience.

• Member of the Dampproofing and Waterproofing Ass of South Africa.

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• Advanced British Accredited Methods.

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    Dampout Waterproofing offers professional rising damp waterproofing services in Johannesburg, South Africa. Our team of waterproofing specialists has the necessary skills, tools, resources, and materials to treat and prevent rising damp problems in any residential structure. You can rest assured that your home is in good hands when you contact our team to treat your rising damp issues. Dampout Waterproofing has nearly 47 years of experience assisting homeowners in Johannesburg and surrounding locations. Our expert rising damp-proofing solutions are unmatched by any of our competitors because we use advanced techniques to ensure homes remain sealed and protected from dampness for a long time. So, you have nothing to lose by requesting our professional rising damp proofing services. 


    There are several solutions for treating a home’s rising damp problem. Here is a rundown of the possible solutions we would recommend depending on the existing condition of the house:


    A damp-proof injection is a fast, affordable, and highly effective long-term solution for overcoming and preventing a rising damp problem. The treatment involves injecting a damp-proof solution, such as a silicone-based fluid or cream, into the gaps, holes, and cracks of the brick or plaster walls to fill in their pores as much as possible. That way, moisture will not have any more pathways to travel from the ground to the walls. 


    We may initially drill holes into the brick or plaster to make room for our injection rod. But once we inject the silicone solution into the holes, it will fill them up and close them off quickly. Damp-proof injections can be done on the interior and exterior walls to maximize their effectiveness in preventing any more rising damp issues.


    When the ground underneath your home becomes too saturated with water, it increases the risk of moisture rising through the thousands of tiny pores or tubes within your home’s walls and structural material. Experts refer to the rising moisture as a capillary action because the moisture is like the blood flowing through the tiny blood vessels of the human body.

    The three most common porous materials found in residential structures are bricks, plaster, and timber. Each of these materials is filled with tiny pores that can serve as a gateway for moisture to rise from the ground and into the most vital areas of a residential structure. 


    The three most common porous materials found in residential structures are bricks, plaster, and timber. Each of these materials is filled with tiny pores that can serve as a gateway for moisture to rise from the ground and into the most vital areas of a residential structure. What’s worse is that the moisture carries tiny natural salt particles from the ground into the home’s walls. 

    These salts actually pull in more moisture from the surrounding air, making the dampness problem even worse for the home.If your home does not have the proper damp-proofing materials installed, it will increase the likelihood of it developing rising damp problems. We often see this with older residential constructions that either never had damp-proofing materials installed or never had them upgraded or replaced. 


    Do you think you might have a rising dampness problem in your home? The symptoms of rising dampness are very apparent and easily recognizable. In fact, the salts in the moisture will create visible signs that make the problem more evident to anyone living there. 

    The most common symptoms of rising dampness include the following:

    ·         A strong, musty, or damp odor

    ·         Discoloration on the walls, ceilings, or floors

    ·         Peeling paint or wallpaper

    ·         Decaying timber on the walls or skirting boards

    ·         Corroded bricks and mortar

    ·      White salt deposits on the interior or exterior walls

    Between the smells and the visible deterioration and discoloration, it should be easy to spot the symptoms of rising dampness. Once you spot these symptoms, the next step is to take action to prevent them from worsening. The health and integrity of your home’s internal structure will depend on swift action toward stopping the dampness from rising any further. 


    There are additional steps you can take to reduce the risk of rising dampness from occurring inside or outside your home. Here are some tips you may want to follow to minimize the risk.

    ·         Keep your rooms well-ventilated by regularly opening windows and circulating fresh air to remove excess moisture from them.

    ·         Don’t keep any furniture, dressers, or tables pressed against the walls. It is better to have some space outside of the walls to prevent moisture buildup.

    ·         Use dehumidifiers in rooms prone to excess moisture buildup.


    ·         Maintain a consistent warm temperature inside of the home because it will prevent condensation on the walls.


    Now, let us secure your residential structure so that rising dampness will not be a problem for you any longer. Contact us at stacey@dampout.co.za or 071 736 8291 for more information.